Mrs Jacks blend of essential oils is in linement with the story of the thieves regarding the black plague..
1/2 oz bottle
Thieves old blend has been known helping disinfect and sanitize home, pantry, autos and yourself.
Directions: Use 6 to 8 drops in hand soap, dish soap or laundry.
In a large spray bottle using as disinfectant add 8-10 drops in distilled water
Already diluted 2% dilution
Ingredients : Carrier Oil, Organic Lemon, Eucalyptus, Cloves, Rosemary, Cinnamon, Lavender and Tea Tree Oil
Disclaimer: This product hant been evaluated by the FDA. For informational purposes only. Please use precautions if you believe you may have an allergic reactions to ingredients. Please keep out of reach of children
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