Mrs Jacks Body Food Natural & Organic Therapeutic Bath Salts
Tone & Tune Up 8 oz glass jar
Mrs Jacks Body Food has a wide selection of natural and organic bath salts to fit your every need from therapeutic, relaxation, de-stressing, detoxing, or sensual salts. We offer 3 natural and organic therapeutic bath salts to help relax your body and possibly aid in reducing cellulite.
You are now viewing Mrs Jacks Body Food Therapeutic Tone & Tune Up Bath Salts. The special blended formula tones skin and energize your spirits.
This wonderful organic bath care product Tone & Tune Up is an exact specialized formula without dyes, parabens, and artificial fragrances.
Ingredients: Celtic Dead Sea salts, Sodium Bicarbonate, Organic Grapefruit Essential Oil, and Organic Lavender Essential Oil, and Vitamin E.
Add half of salts to warm bath water and soak for 20 minutes. Making circular motions with palm of hands rub thighs and hips to promote circulation or for ultimate performance use a brush to stimulate skin. Make sure to drink a full glass of cold water after bath to restore moisture. May have to be used several times to see results and works better if you use a bath brush to help stimulate circulation on hips, buttocks, and thighs
Disclaimers: This product is not to treat, cure or diagnose. Informational purposes only. This product has not been evaluated by the FDA,
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