Polycystic Syndrome or PCOS is a common hormonal disorder which affects ovaries in women during childbearing years. It can cause irregular menstrual cycle, pain, weight gain and hormonal changes.
1 oz glass bottle
PCOS massage oil may help relieve flare ups caused by this condition.
With regular use of 5-10 drops of oil massaged over lower belly and buttocks may help. Also, 6-10 drops in a bath may have soothing affects as well.
Ingredients: Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Clary Sage, Fennel, Geraniu, and Lavender Oil
Disclaimer: This product has not been evaluated by the FDA. It is not to treat, cure or diagnose but for informational purposes only. Please consult with a physician before using any herb, vitamin or supplement. Do not use if you are pregnant, and Keep Out of the Reach of Children. Store in Cool dry place.
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