Hair Scalp Conditioning Stimulating Oil


Hair growth starts here

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Understanding how your hair reacts to hair products can be overwhelming especially when you are suffering from some type of hair or other health issue and the products are not working. Thinking about purchasing the right product can be stressful but, when you find one that works can have multiple positive results! Such as Mrs Jacks Body Food Stimulating Hair Scalp Oil & Conditioner 4 oz is excellent to help with many hair issues such as oily hair, dry hair, frizzy, inflammation, dandruff, and hair growth.
Whats in it that can do all that?

Organic Virginia Cedarwood Oil is powerful for those who suffer Seborrhoea or Seborrhoeic Eczema a disease that is caused by malfunction of the sebaceous glands. It works as an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory by curing inflammation and reducing skin peeling that normally is seen with sebum production.
Organic Jojoba Oil is superb in ways for hair because It’s colorless, odorless, and contains almost all of the vitamins and minerals essential for healthy hair. It is excellent for dry damaged hair, and it also removes the sebum from the hair to help promote hair growth
Organic English Lavender is well known around the world for its anti-viral, antibacterial, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and as an aesthetic. Its excellent for most all hair types as it helps promote hair growth. Its delightful calming scent also helps to alleviate inflammation of the scalp
Organic Rosemary – Rosemary just like its partner Lavender has the the same properties but delivers a powerful punch in helping to reduce dandruff, itchiness, and dry scalp. Rosemary helps to stimulate hair and circulation
Organic Red Thyme is highly scented with top notes but it is very effective. Circulation of the scalp is promoted by the use of Red Thyme as well as to help control dandruff issues and help with thinning hair. Red Thyme is considered an antibiotic and has a calming effect on the scalp
Organic Peppermint Oil is also highly recognized as a go to oil for hair care products especially with is pleasing scent and tingling sensation when used on the scalp. Peppermint Oil is extremely rich in essential fatty acids and help eliminate dandruff which usually results from dry scalp. Peppermint oil’s pH balancing effects can help return you scalp to its normal level of sebum production and increases blood flow to the scalp
Directions: Massage 5-10 drops of oil daily onto scalp and hair.

All these ingredients combined help to stimulate hair growth and provide circulation to scalp for better blood flow. You see hair growth and experience healthier hair

Additional information

Weight 6 oz
Dimensions 9.5 × 4 × 12.5 in


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