EstroBoost Therapy Oil helps promote and balance estrogen levels. The powerful combined essential oils are formulated for adaptogen hormone balance which may help relieve some menapausal symptoms . Adaptogen essential oils are very helpful with balancing hormones without causing other complications they may be caused by pharmaceuticals. This therapeutic formulated oil is great as a massage oil and rub.
1 oz glass bottle
Directions: Rub oil over lower back and hips daily to reduce pain . Allow a week before results are felt allowing the blend of essential oils to permeate your skin . Also a capful can be used for a bath soak .
Ingredients: Organic Grape-seed Oil , Organic Lavender , Organic Clary Sage , Organic Fennel , Organic Rosemary and Organic Rose Bulgaria
Disclaimer: This is not to treat , diagnose , or cure but solely for informational purposes . If you are suffering from estrogen problems please consult a physician . This blend is made with essential oils and its your responsibility to know if you’re allergic to any of these ingredients. Please keep out of reach of children . Do not use if you’re pregnant . None of these ingredients have been approved by the FDA so be cautious when adding any essential oils to your daily routine
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